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The Decision is made: Go for It!

On March 21, 2016, a respected friend on Bernie Sanders national campaign called me and said, "We need you to run for Freeholder." As a born and raised Vermonter, I've been following Bernie's career since he first ran for Mayor of Burlington, VT and, over the many years, have seen all the great and beneficial things Bernie has done for Burlington, for Vermont, and for the nation.

Formerly a very strong Hillary Clinton supporter, I have supported Bernie's candidacy for President of the US from the moment Bernie announced his run. I knew he was the very best choice for President of the United States and I wasn't going to let any form of -ism get in the way of supporting the right person for the job. In fact, I've been waiting for Bernie to run for President for years; our nation needs Bernie in the White House for so many reasons. So without hesitation, I said, "Yes. Whatever I can do to help Bernie, I will do."

Yet, while I have been politically active since I was a teen, I always thought of myself as more of an activist for just social causes than as an candidate for elected office.

However, after a thought-provoking conversation, after talking with my Monmouth County neighbors about their county-level issues and concerns (and gaining their enthusiastic support!), and after a little serious contemplation about all the changes that I, personally, have seen occur in Monmouth County since I moved here (from Mercer County) in 1996, I realized that Monmouth County does, in deed, need people in leadership roles with a new perspective on the important issues facing it. After all of that, I thought, "I am one of 'The People' of Monmouth County; Monmouth County and it's Board of Chosen Freeholders can only benefit from the infusion of a new and fresh perspective; and a resounding, 'I can do this!' "

Helping Bernie may have been the impetus to begin this but my motivation to continue, and to win, is one of a 20+ year Monmouth County resident with issues.

My next thought was a simple one: "Go for it!" Almost 200 petition signatures of support later, here I am: running for Monmouth County Chosen Freeholder. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to real, lasting change in Monmouth County and I hope you will join me in a Monmouth County revolution! :)

I thank all of Monmouth County in advance for your support of my candidacy for Monmouth County Chosen Freeholder.

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